Interact Logo

Contact:     910-880-0315
Jennifer Hardee Vanasse
District 7730 Interact Chair

Rotary International Link for Interact

What you need if you Charter a New Interact Club or need to Reinstate an existing one (must add "Active in Service with the club's ID#):


Interact Club Charter Certification Form - download first and type the information into the fillable pdf form. Once competed, the Club President(s) must sign. Email the pdf to the District Office for the District Governor's signature.  The District Office will forward the information to RI Interact and copy you


Interact Club Constitution - must be completed after the Interact Board is voted on!

Interact Club Manual for Rotary Club Liaisons and School Advisers

Interact Handbook for Interactors for Interact Members and Board Members

To be completed ANNUALLY (if not completed for 3 years, the club will be terminated):

How to Update an Interact Club on Rotary International 

Update Annually in May/June of every year

Your Interact club is required to have a reported advisor annually. Advisors may be a member of the sponsoring Rotary or Rotaract club, a school administrator or faculty member, or community volunteer to serve as an adult contact to the Interact club. Although more than one person may serve in this role for your Interact club, Rotary International requires only one individual to be reported per Rotary each year (1 July – 30 June).

Important: This form should only be used by Interact clubs with active/suspended status with Rotary International.

Before you complete this form, verify the status, official name, and club ID of your Interact club. A list of Interact clubs is accessible to all Rotarians and district Rotaract leaders on My Rotary. Learn how to access the list using our 

How to Update Interact Club Information

If completing this form on behalf of the Interact adviser, be sure to get consent from the individual before entering their information.


How to change your Rotary Sponsorship:
Interact Club Change of Rotary Club Sponsorship


Updated Status Reports on All District 7505 Interact Clubs:
District Interact Clubs from Rotary International Reports - check here to find your Interact Club ID#, Date of Charter, Rotary Club Sponsorship, and Active, Suspended, or Terminated Status

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Club Fundraisers
Member Benefits You May Not Know About ...
District Newsletter
Rotary Voices Podcast
District 7730 YouTube Channel