District 7730 Essay Contest Begins Today!
‘The 4-Way Test – What It Means to Me”
Essay Information for Students 2023-24
Essay Rules for Rotary Clubs 2023-24
It’s time to contact your middle school for their participation in the District Essay Contest.
The 4-Way Test is the focus of this year’s Essay, asking 7th and 8th graders - “What does it mean to me”. By highlighting the values of each component of the 4-Way Test, students and families will be introduced, or re-introduced, to the way we strive to lead our personal and professional lives.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the top three District essays ($500 1st prize [plus $500 to his/her teacher]; $300 2nd prize; $200 3rd prize. Local clubs are encouraged to offer prizes to the top submissions they receive, before forwarding the top essay to the District. The addition of local prizes could encourage greater participation – more prizes, more chances to win!
Essays must be received by their local Rotary Club no later than March 15th. Local clubs will evaluate each essay and select the top essay to be sent to the District by April 1st for consideration for one of the three District prizes.
All 3 District winners will be recognized by Rotary District 7730 at the District Conference being held April 19-20 at the Hotel Ballast in Wilmington, NC.
Rhonda Williamson, District *Four-Way Test* Essay Contest Chair
Tel(Cell): (910) 734-5251
E-mail: [email protected]
Essay Rules for Rotary Clubs 2023-24
Essay Information for Students 2023-24